
Showing posts from July, 2024

The c2C wellness proposal, which is the modern-age cure for depression and the caveman way of adapting to civilization.

The c2C wellness proposal, which is the modern-age cure for depression and the caveman way of adapting to civilization. The human body is a marvel of evolution, designed for survival in a world vastly different from the one we inhabit today. Our ancestors, the cavemen, lived in a harsh environment where food was scarce and danger was ever-present. The traits and mechanisms that evolved to ensure their survival are still with us, but they now often lead to challenges in our modern, civilized lives. 1. Fat Storage: An Evolutionary Lifeline Turned Modern Burden In prehistoric times, food availability was unpredictable. Our bodies evolved to store fat efficiently during periods of abundance to survive during times of scarcity. This ability to store fat was crucial for survival, but in today's world, where high-calorie foods are readily available and physical activity is often minimal, this same mechanism leads to widespread issues such as obesity, diabetes, and hear...