Apple: The Drama Queen Amongst the Botanical Family; Throughout History
Throughout history, Apple seems to be the attention-seeking drama queen among the botanical family. This story starts way back in the Eden gardens, where Adam and Eve had the prohibited apple, which led to the discovery of the mythic fairytale of the ' origin of sin '. I still don't understand, how an apple can be both edible and prohibited. I still don't understand how someone's great grand father's disobedience triggered the ego of a concept like God, which further contributes to this great tapestry of chaos, where each fabric is threaded by the tears and suffering of many who just passed by and are still in anguish. Despite this, We do also experience bliss in life in many possible ways. Yet, what happened in Eden Gardens won't be a good explanation for the chaotic nature of existence. Next comes Newton. While I was in school, I heard that the apple which fell to the ground triggered Newton with his discoveries. Later in life, I came to kno...